Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2000;27(2):318-332.
Published online May 31, 2000.
탈회냉동건조골에 대한 성견의 치수조직반응에 관한 연구
정문용, 이창섭, 박주철, 이상호
조선대학교 치과대학 소아치과학 교실, 구강생물학연구소
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of demineralized freeze-dried bone (DFDB) on mechanically exposed pulp of dog by evaluating the pulpal inflammation and healing process, formation of dental hard tissue, and structural changes of fibroblasts of the remaining pulp tissue. Teeth of 4 dogs, weighing 10kg, were used in this study. Class V cavities were prepared followed by exposed the pulp tissue mechanically by sterilized round bur. In control group, exposed pulps were capped with calcium hydroxide paste followed by sealed with IRM. In experimental groups, the exposed pulps of one group were capped with the collagen and those of the other group were capped with DFDB. All cavities were sealed with same manor as control group. The animals were sacrificed at the intervals of 3, 7, 14, and 28 days for histopathlogic evaluation. The specimens were observed by the light microscope and trans-electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. Pulp necrosis was not observed in all groups. Inflammatory response was disappeared from 1 week in control group and group 2. But it was not disappeared until 2 weeks and also irregular arrangement of odontoblasts was showed at the lateral walls of root canal just beneath the amputated site of the pulp in group 1. 2. Dentinal bridge was formed incompletely at 2 weeks but it was formed completely at 4 weeks in control group. Odontoid tissue was also found in control group at 4 weeks from treatment. Amputated site of pulp was encapsulated with fibrous tissue and odontoblast and dentinal bridge was not found in group 1. Preodontoid tissue and reparative dentin which were formed by odontoblast differentiated around DFDB were found, but dentinal bridge was not found in group 2. 3. Cell with large basophillic-stained nuclei infiltrated to amputated site and DFDB at 1 week from treatment in control group and group 2. They were found more in group 2 than in control group. Odontoblasts arranged more regularly and reparative dentin was found more as time elapsed. 4. Dentin-formative odontoblasts which showed ultramicrostructure of cytoplasm with polarized nucleus, rEM, Golgi complex, secretory granules, secretion of organic matrix in control of group and group 2. In regards to above results, the demineralized freeze-dried bone(DFDB) induce odontoblastic differentiation and further come up to the dentin formation in amputated pulp.
Key Words: Pulpotomy, Dentin formation, Demineralized freeze-dried bone(DFDB), Calcium hydroxide, Collagen

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