재식한 치아에서 수산화 칼슘을 사용한 근관치료 |
문상희, 김왕근, 이창섭, 이상호 |
조선대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실, 조선대학교 구강생물학 연구소 |
Abstract |
Tooth avusion implies total displacement of teeth out of its socket. Its frequency range from 0.5 to 16% of traumatic injuries. Replantation procedure is used for the treatment of avulsed tooth. However, its major complications are pulp necrosis, inflammatory root resorption and replacement root resorption. This paper describes 10 years and 2 months old male patient whose both maxillary central incisors were avulsed due to fall-down with slightly underdeveloped root apices. Teeth were replanted 2 hours after accident. Right central incisor's pulp tissues were extirpated and filled with Vitapex®(calcium hydroxide) at 3-4 weeks after replantation, but left central incisor was filled at 8-9 weeks. Right central incisor showed little inflammatory resorption in apical portion, whereas left central incisor showed severe root resorption. During 18 months' follow-up period, left central incisor showed slightly ankylosis while right central incisor did not. Based upon the above-mentioned results, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Inflammatory resorption could be suppressed by endodontic treatment with calcium hydroxide. 2. When apex formation is doubted in replanted tooth due to avulsion, early endodontic treatment with calcium hydroxide seems to act positively for better prognosis. |
Key Words:
Avulsion; calcium hydroxide; endodontic treatment; root resorption |