상악정중부 과잉치의 양태와 병발증의 상관관계에 관한 연구 |
이윤석, 김정욱, 이상훈 |
서울대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 및 치학연구소 |
Abstract |
Authors evaluated 152 patients at the department of Pediatric Dentistry in Seoul National University Hospital through clinical records and radiographs. And the following features were studied ; age, sex distribution, number of mesiodens per patients, location, status of eruption, shape and orientation of crown, and complication. From the above results, the relationship between features of mesiodens and complications were evaluated using chi-square analysis. 1. Complications due to the presence of mesiodens did not occur in 31.6%, delayed eruption of adjacent teeth was observed in 33.6%, midline diastema in 22.4%, rotation in 8.6%, displacement in 3.3%, and crowding in 0.7% of all evaluated patients. 2. As compared with the above 8.5 year group, in the under 8.5 year group, the frequency of complications was significantly higher(P<0.05). As compared with those positioned lingually, in mesiodens labially or within the arch the frequency of complications was significantly higher(P<0.01). Also, the frequency of complications was significantly higher when the mesiodens was tuberculate in form(P<0.05). 3. Of the 104 patients with complications, the frequency of delayed eruption was significant higher in the under 8.5 year group, and in above 8.5 year group, the frequency of malocclusion was significantly higher(P<0.05). When mesiodens were located in the midline region, the frequency of malocclusion was significant higher, while in case with laterally positioned mesiodens the frequency of delayed eruption was significantly higher(P<0.01). |
Key Words:
complication, correlation, feature, mesiodens |