상악 유중절치의 병적 치근 흡수 |
최병재, 정주현, 최형준, 손흥규 |
연세대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실.구강과학연구소 |
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Abstract |
Physiologic root resorption occur from the apex of the primary teeth close to the permanent teeth towards the apex. Pathologic root resorption occur on surfaces of root due to causes such as trauma, replantation, orthodontic treatment, delayed or irregular eruption of teeth, or growing cysts or tumors. In children, the most frequently affected teeth from trauma are the maxillary primary central incisors. After such an event, root resorption initiate from the traumatized pulp or periodontium. In this case report, periapical radiographs were used to evaluate the features of pathologic root resorption by studying patients with history of trauma. The following results were noted. 1. Pathologic root resorption was observed in various patterns in all of the 10 traumatized maxillary primary central incisors. 2. Though teeth with pathologic root resorption were treated with pulpectomy, the resorption process continued to progress. |
Key Words:
Pathologic root resorption, Maxillary primary central incisors, Trauma |