수평 매복된 상악 견치의 교정적 견인 |
최형준, 이종은, 이제호, 이종갑 |
연세대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실.구강과학연구소 |
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Abstract |
Tooth impaction is defined as a cessation of the eruption of a tooth at the level of the oral mucosa or alveolar bone. Maxillary canines are the most frequently impacted teeth next to the third molar. Maxillary canine impaction is associated with congenital missing of lateral incisors, peg lateralis and genetic factors such as ectopic positioning of a tooth germ. The clinicians have an important role in early detection of tooth impaction for prevention of esthetic and functional problems. There are specific methods to treat impacted tooth for different conditions. In this case, an 11-year-old girl with a horizontally impacted maxillary right canine in a palatal position was treated through orthodontic traction along with surgical button attachment procedure. On regaining of eruption space, canine traction was performed. At the completion of treatment, the canine was positioned fairly within the arch with proper keratinized gingiva and complications such as root resorption were not observed. |
Key Words:
Tooth impaction, Maxillary canine, Orthodontic traction |