하악 매복 견치의 치과적 접근 |
백병주, 서정아, 박종하, 양연미, 김재곤 |
전북대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 및 구강생체과학 연구소 |
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Abstract |
Impacted mandibular canines are less common than impacted maxillary canines. The proceeding studies show that impacted mandibular canines occur in approximately 0.1% of patients examined. The causes of impacted mandibular canines are inadequate space, premature loss of the primary dentition, excessive crown length, hereditary factors, functional disturbances of endocrine glands, tumors, and traumas. The basic choices for treatment of those cases are orthodontic migration or surgical removal. This is a case report about those two different treatment methods. One patient was 11 years old female who had treated with surgical approach and the other was 14 years old male who had received orthodontic treatment. |
Key Words:
Mandibular canine impaction, Forced eruption, Surgical extraction |