Digital Imaging Fiber-Optic Trans-illumination을 이용한 초기 법랑질 우식병소의 조기 진단 |
염혜웅, 유승훈, 김종수 |
단국대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
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Abstract |
Over the past 20 years, great strides have been made in research regarding the mechanisms involved in the progression of carious lesions, but new equipment and research tools need to be developed to continue these advancements in caries research. Various methods have been applied to reduce the incidence of carious lesions, which have led to a significant decrease in the number of occlusal caries, but a concurrent increase in the proportion of proximal carious lesions. New diagnostic equipment has been developed to detect early stage carious lesions, and these have demonstrated excellent laboratory results and show promise in clinical applications. The research presented here examines the efficacy of the newly developed DIFOTITM system in detecting proximal carious lesions compared to traditional intraoral exam and bitewing radiography, possible problems or deficiencies of using the system in clinic, possible improvements that can be made to the system, and the efficacy of detecting early, reversible carious lesions that can be remineralized by preventative fluoride applications. The subject pool consisted of 23 grammer school age patients just prior to entering the mixed dentition phase. Each patient was given a thorough oral examination, radiographic examination consisting of bitewing radiographs of the posterior teeth, and DIFOTITM examination of the anterior and posterior teeth. Each examination was carried out two times by two examiners, and the data were statistically analyzed. The results are as follows: 1. The mean alpha value of reliability test of the visual oral examination was as follows; occlusal surface was 0.8470. mesial surface was 0.6430, distal surface was 0.5727. lingual surface was 0.2807 and distal surface was 0.2339. When the examination was limited to posterior teeth, the mean alpha value was as follows; occlusal surface was 0.8577, distal surface was 0.8211, lingual surface was 0.7728, buccal surface was 0.7152 and mesial surface was 0.6782. 2. The alpha value of reliability test of the radiographic analysis of carious lesions of the occlusal, mesial, and distal surfaces was 0.8500. 3. The alpha value of reliability test of the DIFOTITM diagnostic analysis of carious lesions of the occlusal, buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal surfaces was determined to be 0.7917. 4. The$DIFOTITM diagnostic system was found to be the most accurate means of detecting occlusal, buccal, and lingual surface carious lesions (p<0.05), while mesial and distal proximal carious lesions were most accurately assessed using bitewing radiography (p<0.05). |
Key Words:
Digital Image Fiber-Optic Trans-Illumination, Early detection, Dental caries |