잇솔질 마모 처리한 불소방출성 수복재의 특성 |
박종하, 백병주, 양연미, 김재곤 |
전북대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 및 구강생체과학연구소 |
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Abstract |
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the fluoride release and the change of surface roughness of fluoride releasing restorative materials after toothbrush-dentifrice abrasion. Seven commercially available fluoride releasing restorative materials (Fuji II LC Improved: FL, Compoglass F: CG, Dyract AP: DR, F2000: FT, Ariston: AT, Tetric: TR, and Gradia: GD) were selected as experimental materials. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The AT, FL, and CF groups produce an initially large burst of fluoride release and comparatively low but continuous release of fluoride. But other groups produce no initial burst of fluoride and levels of release remain relatively constant. 2. The rate of fluoride release remains steady state after 40 days. The results of Tukey's test (P<.05), the fluoride release showed the order of decreasing rank as follows: AT > FL > compomers > TC and GD. 3. The surface roughness indicated that the highest value was observed in the FT group and the lowest value was observed in the CF group. The surface roughness of Tukey's test showed the significant differences between groups of FT, AT and FL and groups of CF, DR, GD and TC (P<0.05). |
Key Words:
Fluoride release, Surface roughness, Abrasion |