치아종을 동반한 석회화 치성낭의 치험례 |
이상엽, 김대업, 이광희 |
원광대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실.원광치의학연구소 |
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Abstract |
Calcifying odontogenic cyst(COC) is a rare developmental odontogenic cyst, which shows diverse classification and terminology. Cystic epithelial lining of COC is composed of basal cell layer of columnar cells and overlying layer of stellate reticulum. In the epithelium, ghost cells that might induce adjacent mesenchymal tissue to develop dental organ are shown characteristically. In spite of low rate of recurrence, we have to get a histopathological examination so that odontogenic lesions may recur without fully curettage of lining epithelium. 7-year-old male child came pediatric dentistry in wonkwang university dental hospital in order to check the delayed eruption of left maxillary central incisor. Radiographic examination revealed a well-defined radiopaque mass, overlapping impacted left central and lateral incisor crown. Enucleated mass was tooth-like features and also had epithelium lining. Results of histopathologic procedure, we saw the lots of ghost cell and proliferating hard dental tissues. Also we saw the cystic epithelium cells. It revealed diagnosis of the COC associated complex odontoma. For this reason one should consider of COC when patients present odontoma-like lesion with impacted tooth. |
Key Words:
Calcifying odontogenic cyst, Odontoma, Ghost cell |