Eun-Ju ong, Jae-Moon Kim, Shin Kim, Tae-Sung Jeong |
Department of Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University |
Bovine teeth에 대한 수 종 상아질 접착제의 미세인장결합강도 |
송은주, 김재문, 김신, 정태성 |
부산대학교 치의학전문대학원 소아치과학교실 |
Tae-Sung Jeong, Tel: 051-240-7451, Fax: 051-247-0740, Email: tsjeong@pusan.ac.kr |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to compare the micro ensile bond strength to bovine dentin of several adhesives (SM, Scotch BondTM Multipurpose; SB, AdperTM Single Bond 2; SE, Clearfil® SE Bond; AQ, AQ BondTM; TS, Clearfil® tri-S Bond). Except SM and SB, they have a simplified one- or two-step application protocols in compare with the dentin adhesives conventional three-step protocols. For the microtensile bond strength test, the labial surfaces of bovine incisors were used. Following exposure of dentin layer, according to their manufacturer's directions, each dentin adhesives were applied and composite resin blocks were constructed. The teeth were sectioned for specimen and tested microtensile bond strength. Also observed the fracture mode of interface. The obtained results were as follows : 1. The microtensile bond strength values ranged from 51.34 to 24.04 MPa on dentin(in decreasing order, SE, SM, SB, AQ and TS). 2. The highest microtensile bond strength was by SE and SM on bovine dentin, and the lowest by AQ and TS. 3. SM, SB and SE showed cohesive failures and adhesive failure but AQ, TS presented almost adhesive failures. In summary, microtensile bond strengths of single-step adhesives (AQ and TS) on bovine dentin were significantly lower than those of multi-step adhesives (SM, SB and SE) (p<0.05). |
Key Words:
Microtensile strength, Bovine teeth, Dentin adhesive |