Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2007;34(1):106-121.
Published online February 28, 2007.
Effects of dye-guidance brushing etching technique on the performance of pits and fissures sealant
Phan Ai Hung2, Nan-Young Lee1, Sang-Ho Lee1
1조선대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실
2베트남 호치민 국립대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 
Dye-guidance와 brushing을 통한 산부식 방법이 치면열구전색술의 수복의 질에 미치는 영향
판아이홍2, 이상호1, 이난영1
1조선대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실
2베트남 호치민 국립대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실
Correspondence:  Sang-Ho Lee, 
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of suggested etching method on the performance of pits and fissures sealant. In the first part, seventy extracted sound human permanent third molars and premolars were used. The teeth were randomly divided and performed in three different groups as follows : conventional etching, enameloplasty, and testing group. Non-pumicing, dye-guidance vigorous brushing-start etching technique was applied on the occlusal of testing group. Then the pit and fissure sealant was applied on all of the specimens. After the thermocycling and immersing in 1% methylene blue, the resin embedded sections were made. The microleakage data on the section were then recorded under the stereoscope and statistic analysis was done. Additional experiments were also performed : direct fissure surface etched pattern experiment, replica study, and micro-shear bond strength testing observation. The second part included two groups. A paired study was designed to evaluate the influence the environment has on the performance of the sealant. After etching, half of each occlusal surface received one of the two following treatments in succession: sealing in laboratory and intraoral condition (group 1), sealing in intraoral condition with and without a single-bonding agent (group 2). The results of present study can be summarized as follows: - The microleakage of testing group was significant different with conventional method (P<.05) and was not different with the enameloplasty group (P>.05). - The quality and quantity of etched enamel were improved. - Microshear bond strength of testing group was higher than control group (p<.05). - The environmental condition was influenced on the performance of the sealant. The testing etching method modified the capacity of the etching agent to penetrate into the pits and fissures, and simultaneous enhance their efficiency in vitro condition.
Key Words: Plaque detector dye, Brushing etching technique, Microleakage, Etched pattern; microshear bond strength
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