Ji Sun Kang, Nan Young Lee, Sang Ho Lee |
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Chosun University |
CPP-ACP제제를 이용한 법랑질 초기 우식증의 재광화 치험례 |
강지선, 이상호, 이난영 |
조선대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
Sang Ho Lee, Tel: 062-220-3860, Email: |
Abstract |
The dental caries can be recovered or worse depending on the velocity of de- and remineralization of tooth. It is possible to remineralize the lesions by fluoride agent, but the results can be distinguished according to one's salivary flow rate, quantity of ion contents, and pH of the saliva. This article presents good results after applying the CPP-ACP paste for the patients who have incipient enamel caries. We instructed the patients to apply the paste everyday in the customed tray. We observed the white spot lesions without getting worse and reducing the size of lesions. After applying the CPP-ACP paste for 6 weeks, we concluded that; 1. It was possible to remineralize the incipient caries without preparation of the teeth. 2. CPP-ACP paste was successful for recovery of the demineralized lesions, especially for mild and moderate caries lesions, not for the severe developemental defects or chronic lesions. 3. CPP-ACP paste was efficient for pediatric patients, and the custumed tray was very useful for patients to apply the paste. 4. The ability of the patients for caring their oral hygiene was improved by routine check up and instructions. |
Key Words:
CPP-ACP, Incipient caries, Remineralizaiton |