Familial hypophosphatemia 환아의 증례보고 |
조윤정, 김은정, 김현정, 김영진, 남순현 |
경북대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
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Abstract |
Familial hypophosphatemia is the most common hereditary rickets which occur hypophosphatemia as the calcium concentration in the blood serum is normal but the phosphate concentration in the blood serum decreases by dysfunction of renaltubular phosphorus reabsorption. In spite of the low concentration of phosphate in the blood serum discharge of phosphate by urine and alkaline phosphatase increases remarkably. It is a sex-linked and normally male show severe clinical symptoms than female. This kind of familial hypophosphatemia patients show frontal bossing, square head, short of status for general finding, and for dental finding, thinning of limina dura and dental follicle, thin and hypoplastic enamel, enlarged pulp chamber and canal, high occurance rate of periapical and periodontal abscess and unknown cause of rarefying osteitis. This case is to report about the clinical finging and dental treatment of a child patient, who came to the hospital for treatment of deciduous teeth caries but was refered to pediatrics because the child showed clinically short of status, bow-leg and radiographically enlarged pulp chamber and canal, there as diagnosed as familial hypophosphatemia. |
Key Words:
Familial hypophosphatemia, Periapical abscess |