Seong Hee Kim, Young Jong Kim, Shin Kim, Tae-sung Jeong |
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University |
유전치 우식에 대한 치과의사들의 치료 선택 현황 조사 |
김성희, 김영종, 김신, 정태성 |
부산대학교 치의학전문대학원 소아치과학교실 |
Tae-sung Jeong, Tel: 055-360-5181, Email: tsjeong@pusan.ac.kr |
Received: 17 April 2012 • Accepted: 7 August 2012 |
Abstract |
Children usually have varying degree of caries in primary anterior teeth, and treatment planning for each case prescribed by each dentist can also be varied. This survey was conducted to compare the preferred treatment method and restorative materials between general dentists and pediatric dentists in regard to the treatment of primary incisors. The questionnaires, composed of 18 questions were sent to 45 general dentists and 50 pediatric dentists. Among which 30 and 31 questionnaires were retrieved respectively. The collected data were analyzed by rate and the results were as follows: 1. For the teeth with initial caries without cavitation, general dentists showed the tendency to prefer restorative treatment(30%) or observation without any treatment(42%), whereas pediatric dentists prefer preventive treatment(76%). 2. The primary factor in choosing restorative materials by both groups was its manipulativeness. 3. For anterior esthetic restoration, general dentists seldom use the full-coverage restoration(13%) but resin restoration(75%), whereas pediatric dentists frequently used full-coverage crow(64%). 4. In the treatment of dentinal caries, pediatric dentist did not perform the treatment lesser than 2.0 years before the exfoliation (compared to 1.2 years of general dentist). 5. In the treatment of 1 year children, both pediatric and general dentists tend to select preventive procedure as first choice of treatment(84%, 52%). When treating primary incisor caries, it is shown that pediatric dentists are more interested in restorative/preventive treatment than general dentists are. |
Key Words:
Primary teeth, Treatment decision, Restoration methods, Questionnaire |