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정상교합을 가진 유치열기 아동의 두부방사선 계측학적 연구 |
서문선1, 손흥규1, 백형선2, 최형준1 |
1연세대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실, 구강과학연구소 2연세대학교 치과대학 교정학교실 |
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Abstract |
In the field of pediatric dentistry, comparison and analysis of cephalogram values of children are important fir evaluation of growth and development, and are essential to evaluate the craniofacial form and growth pattern for early diagnosis of malocclusion. For this, cephalographic norm values are important, but not many studies on the primary dentition exist. To compare the past norm values of normal occlusion in the primary dentition with current norms, preschool children, 4 to 5 years of age, with normal occlusion in the primary dentition who visited our hospital were examined. Among these children, 46 children with normal facial form and developmental status were chosen for evaluation of cephalogram values. The following results were as follows: 1. For skeletal values, the angular values showed no significant differences between males and females, and the linear values were generally greater in males than females. 2. SNA was 81.3˚, SNB was 76.6˚and ANB difference was 4.7˚. 3. The ratio for Mandibular body length to Anterior cranial base length was 0.9 : 1 for both male and female and the ratio for posterior facial height to anterior facial height was 61.4 % for male, 62.0 % for female. 4. For dental values, IMPA was 84.2˚ and UA to SN was 90.8˚ . 5. The upper lip to Ricketts esthetic line was positioned 2.6 mm anteriorly, and the lower lip to Ricketts esthetic line was positioned 2.5 mm anteriorly. |
Key Words:
Cephalographic measurements, Primary dentition, Normal occlusion |