손가락 빨기로 인한 부정교합의 치험례 |
문상진, 최영철 |
경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
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Abstract |
The habit of finger sucking is a reflex occurring in the oral stage, due to nutritive and psychological desire. The habit of finger sucking is considered to be normal till 3 years of age. Dento-skeletal effect on maxillo-mandibular complex including occlusion is naturally correction, when habit stopped before 3 years. If finger sucking continues till 3~4 years, Finger sucking leads to severe malocclusion and remarkable discrepancy maxillo-mandibular complex, which is difficult in expectation of natural correction. It is necessary to positive treatment. Treatment of malocclusion, as related to finger sucking is classified two methods. (psychological approach and orthodontic appliance) To stop a habit and to correct severe skeletal discrepancy and malocclusion, franklel appliance is very effective device. This study is to report two cases of treatment of malocclusion, as related to finger sucking. 2 years 10 months old girl with severe overjet, maxillo-mandibular skeletal discrepancy and severe convex facial profile was treated with a FR-II appliance. Finger sucking habit stopped immediately After 16 months, severe overjet, maxillo-mandibular skeletal discrepancy and severe convex facial profile was corrected. 4 years 2 months old girl with midline deviation, mandibular right shift, collateral posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry was treated with a FR-III appliance. Finger sucking habit stopped immediately. After 10 month, Midline deviation, mandibular right shift, collateral posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry were corrected. FR-appliance is a recommendable appliance for a habit breaker and correction of skeletal discrepancy. |
Key Words:
Finger Sucking, appliance, Oral Habit |