불소투여 후 배출된 요내 불소농도 변화에 관한 연구 |
이보경, 김태영, 김종철 |
서울대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 및 치의학연구소 |
Abstract |
Part of the locally applied, as well as the systemic applied, fluoride is absorbed into the body to aid in the prevention of caries. However, beyond a certain level, systemic distribution of fluoride can cause chronic fluorosis with attending systemic symptoms and dental fluorosis. Thus it is vital to determine the level of fluoride with minimal side effects which will provide optimal caries prevention. A commonly utilized method of regressively determining fluoride intade is to measure the fluoride concentration of excreted urine. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the clearance time and concentration of fluoride in urine after administration of various doses of fluoride using HMDS-diffusion technique and fluoride ion electrode(Orion, 96-09, U.S.A.). Urine samples were collected in 7 adult subjects every morning after administration of fluoride supplements such as no fluoride(control group), 1mg fluoride(group 1), 2mg fluoride(group 2), 3mg fluoride(group 3), 4mg fluoride(group 4). The obtained results were as follows 1. Mean urinary fluoride concentration of control group was 0.707±0.362ppm. 2. Fluoride levels followed as group 4(4.076ppm). group 3(2.400ppm), group 2(1.494ppm), group 1(1.051ppm) at day 1 after fluoride administration. There were no statistical differences between the urinary fluoride concentration of group 1, 2, 3 and control group after day 2, but there was statistical difference between group 4 and control group at day 2(p<0.05). 3. Urinary fluoride concentration increased and plateaued according to increasing fluoride dosage. The increased concentration remained significantly higher till day 2, but after day 3, there was no significant difference compared to the control. |
Key Words:
Urine, Fluoride excretion |