Pulse Oximeter를 이용한 치수생활력측정 |
구본경, 이제호, 이종갑 |
연세대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
Abstract |
Traditionally, EPT and thermal tests were used as diagnostic methods for pulp vitality test. The thermal and electrical stimulation tests are the methods to determine the vitality of a tooth based on its neuronal response. These have certain limitations, one of them is the difficulty of approaching the correct result in case of treatment of children. The reason is management problem caused by the unpleasant stimulation. Also, the response from patients are not objective, and false positive or false negative could be happened. Recently, laser doppler flowmetry and pulse oximeter which evaluate vascular integrity are introduced in an effort of overcoming to limitation of traditional methods. The principle of pulse oximeter is to and out level of oxygen saturation by ratio of the two pulses between emitted light and detected light penetrating them to the termination of body, such as ears or fingers. From this point of view, it can be applied to a tooth to determine its vitality. The objective of this study lies mainly on varifying pulse oximeter as a method of determining tooth vitality and providing basic data of its clinical implementation. The result of the research showed that level of oxygen saturation in vital teeth was average of 96.3% and 0.0% in pulpless teeth. As a comprehensive result, pulse oximeter could be an useful diagnostic equipment in determining of tooth vitality. |
Key Words:
Pulp vitality, Pulse oximeter |