유동성 복합레진의 마모저항성에 관한 연구 |
윤연희, 김정욱, 이상훈, 한세현 |
서울대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 및 치학연구소 |
Abstract |
When we use the flowable resin on the primary molars for quick handling, one of the most important property is the wear resistance. This study was performed to compare the wear resistance characteristics of four flowable composite resins [Arabesk flow (group 1), Tetric flow (group 2), Aeliteflow (group 3), Filtek flow (group 4)] to that of one control composite resin [Z100 (group 5)]. Specimen discs(n=10), 10mm wide and 2mm thick, were stored in distilled water at 37℃ for 7 days prior to testing. The specimens were subjected to 50,000 strokes at 2 Hz on the MTS system. During the test, the following parameters were maintained: the lateral excursion at 0.4mm, occlusal force at 2-100N with a force profile in the form of a half sine wave. The measurements of volume loss, depth of wear, and Vicker's hardness number of composite resins, and SEM observations of the polished and abraded surfaces were established. One-way ANOVA and Scheffe's multiple comparison test were employed to detect statistically significant differences among the flowable composite resin groups and the control composite group at P<.05. The following results were obtained: 1. Group 3 showed the least volume loss, while group 4 showed the greatest. The mean volume loss increased in the following order: group 3 |
Key Words:
Flowable composite resin, Wear resistance, Volumetric wear, Maximum wear depth, Vickers hardness number, SEM |