완전탈구된 치아의 지연 재식 |
한유리, 최형준, 이제호, 최병재 |
연세대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
Abstract |
Replantation may be a treatment choice for a completely avulsed tooth caused by a traumatic injury. The outcome of replantation depends on the following factors ; minimal damage to pulp and periodontal membrane, the length of time the avulsed tooth was out of the mouth, how the tooth was stored, the level of root formation, etc. The time from the act of avulsion of the tooth to the actual replantation is especially important. Generally, when replanted within 30 minutes, more than 90% of the cases succeed, but when the time is between 30 to 90minutes, 43%, and greater than 90 minutes, 7%. This is a case of a replanted tooth with relatively good prognosis by ankylosis though there was a great time lapse since the tooth was avulsed. Though such treatment lead to loss of the tooth, in cases of children or adolescents, this treatment is meaningful, because it may earn time until any definitive therapy, functionally stimulate the alveolar bone to retain its height for a better prognosis for future treatment, and act as space maintainer. |
Key Words:
Avulsion, Replantation, Time lapse, Ankylosis |