교합안정장치를 이용한 이갈이의 치료 |
백병주, 이선영, 양연미, 김재곤, 전영미 |
전북대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실, 구강생체과학연구소 |
Abstract |
Bruxism can be generally regarded as a diurnal clenching or nocturnal teeth grinding or a combination of both. Clenching of the teeth is forceful closure of the opposing dentition in a static relationship of the mandible to the maxilla, whereas grinding of the dentition is forceful closure of the opposing dentition in a dynamic maxillo-mandibular relationship as the mandibular arch moves through various excursive positions. The causes of bruxism are not yet discovered clearly, but most consistently mentioned cause is psychological stress. Bruxism can be also associated with sleep disorders, medication, and disturbances of the central nervous system. There is no permanent treatment method of bruxism, so the objectives for management of bruxism are reduction of psychological stress and treatment of signs and symptoms of bruxism by occlusal adjustment, occlusal splint, systemic medication and physical therapy. These cases report present three cases of children with bruxism. The bruxism was reduced in these patients wearing occlusal splint. |
Key Words:
Bruxism, Diurnal clenching, Nocturnal teeth grinding, Occlusal splint |