원광대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
영유아의 구강위생관리방법 개선에 관한 연구 |
이광희 |
원광대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
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Abstract |
The purpose of study was to improve the oral hygiene methods for early childhood. The author investigated the oral hygiene materials for early childhood and the oral hygiene methods used by 672 caregivers in Iksan city. The oral hygiene materials were oral tissue, finger brush, toothbrush sets according to the growth stages, electric toothbrush, child toothbrush, toothpaste sets according to the growth stages including eatable toothpaste, and child toothpaste, The rate of caregivers who used each materials was 62.5% for oral tissue, 70.9% for finger brush, 55.9% for toothbrush sets, and 87.4% for eatable tooth-paste. 79.0% of caregivers began toothbrushing from first eruption and about 1 year of age. The rate of swallowing toothpaste was 22% before 48 months, 9% from 48 to 59 months, and 3% after 60 months. The rate of children brushed by caregivers was 52% before 48 months, 42% from 48 to 59 months, and 26% after 60 months. The basic method of oral hygiene management for early childhood is to remove the dental plaque by toothbrushing, and the toothpaste may be used. Suffocation, accidental swallowing, and injury to the throat must be avoided. Generally, the fluoride toothpaste is not recommended before 3 years of age. The least amount of fluoride toothpaste should be used and caregivers should supervise children to prevent the swallowing of toothpaste. |
Key Words:
Early childhood, Oral hygiene, Toothbrush; Toothpaste |