Table of Contents
1. General information
The manuscript must be written in Korean or English. For dental or medical terms such as proper nouns, generic names of medicines, and units of measurement, use the original term.
Abbreviation should be minimized. The use of acronyms and abbreviations is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum. When used, they are to be defined where first used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. - The accepted manuscript should be organized in the following order: full title page (including all the author details, acknowledgements, and statements on conflicts of interest); but submitted manuscript have to be a blinded main document in a single file, which starts with blinded title page (title only) and contains every component.
- All text files should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) or Haansoft .hwp format and all figures needs to be in .jpg/.jpeg for photos or .wmf/.png formats for schematic draw.
- The manuscript should use 12-point font size and be double spaced or 200% on 21.0 cm by 29.7 cm (A4) paper, with an approximate 3-cm margins.
- Authors should not number the pages. The page numbers will automatically be generated.
- The Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry performs double-blinded review of the submitted manuscripts. Authors' names, their affiliations, or any other remarks that may identify the authors should not appear in the blinded main document, figures, appendix, and supplementary materials for review for a blinded review. In case those are found, the editorial office will ask the authors to reupload the files after hiding them.
- The names and locations (city and state or country) of manufacturers of equipment and non-generic drugs should be given.
- Please also refer to most recent articles published in the Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for style.
2. Full Title Page
Include the following items on the unblinded full title page:
- Title
- Names, affiliations, and addresses of the authors
- Contact information of the corresponding author
- Acknowledgments - Full author name, not initials, must be provided in the order of first name, middle name (if exists), and last name for all participating authors, e.g. Jung-Eun (first name) Oh (last name).
- The list of authors in the full title page and the list of authors entered at the manuscript submission website( must be the same.
- When authors from different institutions/addresses are included, match authors with their organizations by placing the organization number in superscript after the authors' name.
- The contact information of the corresponding author should include mailing address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
- Those who contributed to the work, but who did not fulfill the requirements for authorship, should be included in acknowledgments.
- All funding, other financial support, and material support for this work, if it exists, should be clearly identified in the conflict of interest statement. If no conflicts of interest exist for any of the authors, please describe as such.
3. Main Document
- A main document is a blinded document for review and contain the following components (see 3.1 to 3.6) in a single Haansoft HWP file or Microsoft Word file, each component starting on a separate page: blinded title page, abstract (when required), main body, references, tables, and figure legends.
- Do not embed images in the main document.
- Do not mix tables with the text. Tables should be placed collectively after references on separate pages.
- 1. Blinded Title Page
On the blinded title page, write only the title of the manuscript. Do not include the authors' names, or other details. - 2. Abstract
- The word limit is 200 words or 500 letters in Korean for Original Article and Case Report.
- Do not use reference citations. Abbreviations should be minimized and, if used, must be defined within the abstract by full terminology followed by abbreviation in parenthesis.
Abstract for an Original Article must be structured including Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion as follows:
- Objective: In one or two sentences, indicate the specific purpose of the article, and indicate why it is worthy of attention. The purpose stated here should be identical to the one given in the title of the paper and the introduction.
- Materials and Methods: Describe succinctly the methods used to achieve the purpose explained in the first paragraph, stating what was done and how bias was controlled, what data were collected, and how the data were analyzed.
- Results: The findings of the methods described in the preceding paragraph are to be presented here, with specific data. All results should flow logically from the methods described.
- Conclusion: In one or two sentences, state the conclusion of the study. This should relate directly to the purpose of the papers, as defined in the first paragraph of the abstract. - Unlike Original Article, Case Report consists of single paragraph without separate sections. Please refer to the most recently published articles for style.
- At the bottom of the abstract, write 3-6 keywords (index terms).
- 3. Main Body
1. Original Article
1-1. Introduction
- Briefly describe the purpose of the investigation, including relevant background information.
- The first paragraph should address whether the study was conducted under an approval by the Institutional Review Board (with or without patient informed consent) and Animal Care Committee of the institution where the study took place for any investigation involving humans and animals, respectively.
- Describe the research plan, the materials (or subjects), and the methods used, in that order.
- Explain in detail how the disease was confirmed and how subjectivity in observations was controlled.
- When experimental methodology is the main issue of the paper, describe the process in detail so as to recreate the experiment as closely as possible.
- If the study includes reuse/overlap of materials previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, clearly state the reuse/overlap of study materials.
- Present the study data in a clear, logical sequence.
- Because biometrics involves variations in exact measurements, follow the rule of using statistics when experimentation is described.
- If tables are used, do not duplicate tabular data in the text, but do describe important trends and points.
- Observations pertaining to the results of research and other related materials should be interpreted for your readers.
- Emphasize new and important observations; do not merely repeat the contents of the results.
- Explain the meaning of the observed findings along with its limits, and within the limits of the research results connect the conclusion to the purpose of the research.
- In a concluding paragraph, summarize the results and their meaning.
2. Review
- A review is generally published as a commissioned paper at the request of the editor(s). We do evaluate unsolicited submissions, but many of them are in fact turned away to the authors after a review by the editor(s).
- A review article is a comprehensive scholarly review on a specific topic, but is not an exhibit of series of cases.
- Neither new information nor personal opinion is to be included.
- An introduction which explains the scope of the paper is required, and headings should be used appropriately to separate and organize the text.
- Please also refer to most recent Review articles published in the Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for further details on formatting.
A case report should be organized into three sections including Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion as follows:
- Introduction: Describe briefly the general background and significance of the case study.
- Case report: The clinical study should be restricted to matters directly related to clinical procedures.
- Discussion: Focus on the specific area which the case emphasizes and avoid excessive literature summary or explanations about previously published materials. - Please also refer to most recent Case Report articles published in the Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for further details on formatting.
- Start on a separate page, numbering the references consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.
- All references must be cited in the text.
- Unpublished data should not be cited in the reference list.
- Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus.
- All authors are to be listed when four or fewer; when there are five or more, the first, second and last should be given, followed by "et al."
The style and punctuation for journal articles, books, or book chapters should follow the format illustrated in the following examples:
Journal article
Zero DT, Raubertas RF, Featherstone JD, et al. : Fluoride concentrations in plaque, whole saliva, and ductal saliva after application of home-use topical fluorides. J Dent Res, 71:1768-1775, 1992.
Waterhouse P, Whitworth J, Camp J, Fuks A : Pathways of the Pulp, 10th ed. Mosby, St. Louis, 808-857, 2011.
- Web content can be cited and the following items should be listed: author(s) (if any); title of the page or content; name or owner of the Web site; URL; and publication, update, and access dates.
Assessments on the 2006 state of CT claims repoerted by the Korea Health Insurance Review and Assessment service. Available from URL: (Assessd on November 3, 2011).
- EndNote reference style template for the Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry is available at Notice at
- Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals. The title of the table should be clearly stated in the form of a sentence or a paragraph. The first letters of nouns and adjectives should be capitalized.
- Tables should not be longer than one page and should contain at least four lines and two columns of data.
- Tables are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.
- Abbreviations should be defined in a footnote below each table.
- Tables should be self-explanatory and readily comprehensible.
- Tables from previously published works should not be used.
- The statistical significance of observed differences in the data should be indicated by the appropriate statistical analysis.
- Legends should be numbered in the order in which they are cited, using Arabic numerals.
- Write a description using one complete sentence rather than a phrase or paragraph.
- In case of the use of previously published figures, the original source must be revealed in the figure legend.
4. Figures
- The title of the figure should be in English. The title of the figure start with Fig. and number. e.g. Fig. 1. Pulpotomy procedure performed with PRF.
- All figure parts related to one patient should have the same figure number and use English letters after the numerals to distinguish each figure part.
- Send all figure parts as separate images (do not combine). e.g. Fig_1A.png, Fig_2.wmf, etc.
- Labels/arrows should be of professional quality and touch the edge of the feature being labeled. Do not use equilateral triangles for arrowheads.
- Remove all names and all other identifiers of the patient, authors, and authors' institutions from the figures.
- The statistical significance of observed differences in the data should be indicated by the appropriate statistical analysis.
- Please note that when uploading Figure files, each figure should be saved in a one zip file.
- The graphs or schematic draw should be a vector format such as WMF, AI(Adobe Illustrator) or PNG format with high resolution(at least 2048 pixel in width or heigth). JPEG are allowed for photographic type images or electronic photograhph of radiographs, with high resolution(at least 2048 pixel in width or heigth).
- The use of JPEG format in graph is strongly discouraged. We recommend to use Origin program(Origin Lab.) for graph draw.
- Color figures should be in RGB color mode and line drawings should be black on a white background.
- A legend for each light microscopic photograph should include name of stain and magnification. Electron microscopic photograph should have an internal scale marker.
- The name of the zip file should be use the first word of the article. e.g.
- Written permission from the prior publisher should be obtained for the use of all previously published illustrations and copies of the permission letter should be submitted.
- Authors may wish to make written suggestions about the arrangement of illustrations.