Pulp Revascularization of Infected Immature Permanent Teeth Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Double Antibiotic Paste : Case Report |
Sang-Yun Jeon, Nan-Young Lee, Sang-Ho Lee |
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Chosun University Paradigm |
감염된 미성숙 영구치에서 platelet-rich fibrin과 double antibiotic paste를 이용한 치수 재혈관화 : 증례 보고 |
전상윤, 이난영, 이상호 |
조선대학교 치의학전문대학원 소아치과학교실 |
Nan-Young Lee, Tel: +82-62-220-3860, Fax: +82-62-220-8240, Email: nandent@chosun.ac.kr |
Received: 8 March 2013 • Accepted: 24 July 2013 |
Abstract |
Paradigm shift in management of infected immature permanent teeth has occurred. The new concept of the treatment includes minimal or no intracanal instrumentation, disinfection with triple antibiotic paste and sealing with mineral trioxide aggregate. This regenerative endodontic treatment promotes differentiation of periradicular stem cells that induce regeneration of vital tissue and continuation of root formation. Thorough disinfection and three-dimensional scaffold are important in this new concept of the treatment. Platelet-rich fibrin has been reported as 'new scaffold' instead of blood clot, which had been used in the past. Triple antibiotics can be used to disinfect the tooth but may lead to complications including discoloration. Three cases of infected immature permanent tooth caused by dens evaginatus fracture are presented. After removal of necrotic pulp and thorough intracanal irrigation, only platelet-rich fibrin was applied to the root canal in the first case. In the other cases, topical antibiotics was used for disinfection and platelet-rich fibrin for scaffold. In all the cases, the opening was sealed with mineral trioxide aggregate. All the cases showed proper healing of inrabony lesion and some lengthening of root. According to these cases, regenerating vital tissue of the infected immature permanent tooth can be achieved with disinfection and application of platelet-rich fibrin. |
Key Words:
Pulp revascularization, Platelet-rich fibrin, Immature permanent tooth |